Torsion Design Services is a mechanical design solution based business; supplying food processing equipment and specialising in meeting the needs of the food industry.
Our aim is to be respected for our ability to design, source, distribute and service the equipment demands of the food industry in Australia by supplying standard, and custom designed equipment and systems. We have over 20 years experience delivering quality designed and manufactured stainless steel materials handling and processing equipment to the following industries-
Food, Baking, Beverage, Confectionery, Dairy, Meat, Poultry, Packaging and Ready meals.
Some of the standard equipment and services supplied include:
FAR Friction accumulation roller conveyors
FLEXIDRIVE Powered belt curve conveyors
HGR Hygienic gravity roller conveyors
HPM Hygienic plastic modular belt conveyors
HSB Hygienic slider bed belt conveyors
HTT Hygienic table top chain conveyors
HYDRATILT Crate/Bin hydraulic tilting unit�s
LINKVEYOR Modular conveyor systems
MAXIBLEND Hygienic ribbon blending unit�s
MAXIBLOCK Cheese block cutter units
MAXISHEAR Hi-speed Hi-shear mixing vessels
MAXITOWER Twin tower crate/bin tipper hoists
POSIDRIVE Powered belt curve conveyors
STRONGARM Column bin hoists & mobile bins
DR-series Pallet roller conveyors
TC-series Pallet chain conveyors
Labour hire is also available in a range of disciplines from-
Mechanical design drafting, sheet metal and mechanical fitting trade�s people.
Only qualified personnel are employed at competitive hourly rates.
Please contact me at Torsion Design to discuss how we can provide quality designed and manufactured stainless steel material handling and processing equipment for your next project.
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