At Glamorous Bags we offer a great selection of designer handbags, wallets, travel bags and shoes. Our mission is to offer you the simplicity of shopping online and to make your shopping experience as easy, enjoyable and rewarding as possible.
Handbags are one of life's more pleasurable necessities. A woman's handbag can add flair to an outfit and showcase her personal sense of style. That's why here at Glamorous Bags we are proud to offer our customers a wide range of high quality leather handbags, canvas bags, totes, wallets, travel bags and basically bags of all kind at competitive prices. By sourcing our bags directly from manufacturers and/or distributors from USA and Europe, we are able to keep our cost basis down and pass these savings onto our customers.
Our carefully selected merchandise is all stylish, design conscious and vibrant in colours, yet practical and affordable.
One of the brands currently offered at Glamorous Bags include Floto. Every piece of the Floto Collection is a hand-finished original work. All Floto bags are made from top grade Italian calf-skins and they are built to last long - it's old world quality for today's fast lifestyle.
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