First Aid YUCAN2 offers CPR and First Aid training to Corporate and private clients, in an attempt to empower them, so they also have the confidence to carry out the skills if required, as a result of an adverse situation the owner had to overcome!
First Aid Training offers a hands on, experienced based approach to ensure better retention of information taught, not just to get the tick in the box!
First Aid YUCAN2.. I saved a Life.. YUCAN2 was formed to not only offer experience based Training utilising accelerated learning for others to obtain Nationally Recognised Certificates, but also for to offer the same skills to those not requiring the Certificate in an effort to better protect their loved ones!
We are a multiple Business Award Winner and finalist that can cater the Training to suit your individual or workplace requirements! We also love offering awesome Promotions to thank you for your continued support!
Contact us now to organise your CPR or First Aid Training.. You can either participate in our existing Courses or why not create your own with a date that suits!
We offer University and Pensioner Discounts and have an amazing incentive where if 6 others mention your name at the time of the booking, your Training is half price, 10 others your Training is FREE!
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