Professional sharpening of hairdressing scissors and knives. Scissors sharpened on a machine designed to sharpen hairdressing scissors only, not a multi function machine like some sharpeners use. Ask, not only how much do you charge but also ask if the sharpener can do a convex edge. This is how all quality and even most cheap and nasties are made and sharpened. If you can not get a positive answer, dont hand over your valuable scissor. The machine I use is used in various Japanese scissor factories. Also there is at least one sharpener out there that learnt to sharpen on the internet. Do you think you could learn cut hair by watching someone do it on a computer? As for knife sharpening, I have 30 years experience where I used a knife for 40 hours a week in the meatworks. I believe I probably have more experence in this field than any other sharpener in the Brisbane area.
I also stock over 100 new scissors, clippers, trimmers etc. As well as a wide selection of knives and sharpening steels and stones.
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