There is a huge range of different lenders, loan types, interest rates and rules when it comes to the finance for getting your loan approved.
We are the experts in finding you the right loan when you want to buy or build a home or investment property. Best of all we do everything we can to make it easy and simple to follow.
We take the time to carefully understand your situation and what you'd like to do, explain the steps involved and then help make it happen! ;)
Blackk has successfully helped thousands of people through the same process you may be about to embark on.
We get loans approved for first home buyers or those building their own home. We also guide clients looking to buy their next home, renovate or buy an investment property or car.
Let's talk a little about what's involved if you're building a home. A builder will tell you that building a house will take about 6 months. If that's the case then getting the finance all sorted will take up to another 3 months so 9 months in total. We help our clients every step of the way: we look make sure your progress payments, we help with your building grant to make sure it's approved and paid and set up your accounts and credit cards.
We recommend working with someone who you feel really comfortable with and who is an expert at doing the type of loan that you're wanting to do.
Get the ball rolling by getting in touch!
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