ABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a global professional database network and financial news distribution platform.
Institutional Investors
Typically a subscription to an institutional information platform is licensed per seat and is out of reach for most investors. Large investment houses, banks and capital markets professionals use platforms such as Bloomberg and Thomson-Reuters to equip them with the best access to current information for their investments.
ABN Newswire is globally accredited as an information provider, directly reaching over a million high end seats on these networks.
Retail Investors
Typically using a diverse set of tools from Trading Websites, Financial Blogs and Search Engines, the retail investor can be a day trader through to a retiree looking for a home for their super fund.
Where do they look?
ABN Newswire directly publishes on a wide array of finance and equity news websites, is well indexed on the Internet and feeds many stock and trading information systems.
Social Investors
Yes, it has arrived. Social Media Data Mining, analytics and research all coming from the behaviours of social media users. But don't discount its credibilty. This is an opportunity to influence, interact and communicate.
ABN Newswire syndicates instantly on Social Media with our Metadata Engine�¢?�¢, providing meaningful interaction with this rising phenomena.
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