We are Independent, this means three things;
1) we can not receive any commissions for the sale of financial products. So we give them all to our clients. We get paid only by our client, therefore we work for them.
2) We can not recommend products we own, or get financial incentives from, or favor any product over others.
3) There is no financial incentive for our staff to upsell, cross sell products or receive sales commissions.
This gives us unquestioned integrity, and means our clients get only the best financial outcome, NOT the best financial product outcome for the advisers monthly commission.
It also means that we are free to recommend industry super if it is the best for the client, or any other product that we think is in the clients best interests. Conflict free advice is very new and very exciting, join us.
If you are a financial planner and would like to join our new completely independent model please talk with our HR manager about converting your client across and joining us in a Practice.
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