Looking for a conveyancer who is available 7 days a week at times convenient to you. Call us today, we specialise in residential, strata, commercial, rural properties and leases.
Phone us if you need advice on buying or selling a property and we would be happy to help. The areas Ezystep Conveyancing service include Central Coast, Lake Macquarie, Lower Hunter, Newcastle and North Sydney. But we can also act for you in any conveyancing transaction within New South Wales.
If you are selling a home we can have a contract prepared within 24 to 48 hours and provide this to your agent so they can start the marketing of your home as soon as possible.
If your purchasing we are able to meet on weekends to look over contracts before signing any contracts so you know exactly what you are signing.
Contact Ezystep Conveyancing today and let us take the stress out of buying and selling property. We pride ourself in high communication and efficiency.
Licence No. 05001265
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