Zhuzhou Goode Tungsten Carbide Co., Ltd, is one professional chinese manufacturer of tungsten carbide (hardmetal) and tungsten heavy alloy for over 20 years.
Our main products are tungsten carbide rods, carbide bars, carbide strips, carbide plates, STB bars, wire drawing die, carbide nibs, cold forging dies, cold heading dies, carbide
bushes, cutting inserts, cutting tools, carbide shims, EDM blocks, brazed tips, mining tools, mining bits, drill bits, saw tips, drill tips, circular knives, carbide blade, balls, seats,
carbide burrs, woodworking tools, woodworking tips, ceramic tile cutter, wear parts and special preforms according to your drawing.
Tungsten heavy alloy includes rods, bars, balls, cubes, counterweights, fishing weights, bucking bars, balancing weights..and customized products.
We also supply grinding wheels to extend our business
For more details about our products, please visit our company website: http://www.goodecarbide.com
Katrina Lee (Sales Manager)
Zhuzhou Goode Tungsten Carbide Co., Ltd
Add:Building#24, Taizi Road No 1135, Lusong District, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China-412000
Tel: 0086-731-28828090
Fax: 0086-731-28827090
Email: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Skype: goodecarbide
Website: www.goodecarbide.com
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