Why Use PM Financial Services?
Specialist one to one service with over 30 lenders to ensure you get the most favourable loan rate and terms
Unbiased advice
Help, support, advice, guidance and assistance
Save time and energy on finding the best loan for your specific needs
Expertise on which lenders will lend to whom
Work one on one with each individual client to evaluate their specific needs and find a lender that works for you
We are looking to develop long term customer relationships aimed at saving you Thousands of $$$ in interest over your working life
Insurance options to protect yourself and your assets
Services We Provide
Home Loans (Purchases, Refinancing and Construction)
Investment Property Loans
Commercial Loans
Asset / Equipment Finance (Purchase & Leasing)
Personal Insurance (Life, TPD, Trauma, Income Protection, Business expense)
General Insurance (Home and Contents, Car, Landlord)
No obligation. No fees. Just honest, quality service to help you obtain the finance or insurance you need at the best possible rate
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