Ultra Home Loans has the knowledge to lead you in the right direction, even if you are just thinking about buying a property or investment in the future.
Call Kim today to make an appointment so you can plan on making your dreams a reality.
1.Firstly we can determine how much money you will be able to borrow, how much deposit you will require and estimate the cost of purchasing your property (or refinancing). And as mobile brokers our business comes to you.
2.We will talk with you to work out what loan product best suits your goals. This includes the features on a loan and the type of loans available.
3.Ultra Home Loans can then compare products from a range of lenders including large well known banks plus other smaller banks and lenders to ensure that the loan you choose is competitive in the current market and suitable for your specific needs.
4.If you have an unusual lending situation (low doc, owner builder, business owners, refinancing, credit history problems) we have lenders on our panel that may be able to meet your needs.
5.Ultra Home Loans will complete and submit your application, collect and submit all your supporting documentation and liaise with the bank on your behalf all the way through the loan process to support your application and help you understand the whole process. Less stress for you, saving you time as well.
6.In a Home Loan already? Why not get a free Home Loan Health Check and see if your current lender is giving you a competitive deal, or maybe you could use some to the equity in your existing house for investment, new car or renovations.
7.The best thing about using a broker is that the service is free! The banks pay us for each loan that is referred to them. All of the lenders on our lender panel pay a commission to the broker. This fee is not built into the cost of the loan and you will not be charged extra by the lender for using Ultra Home Loans to assist you.
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