Madjulla Inc. is a not-for-profit Indigenous organisation in Broome, Western Australia. Madjulla Inc. supports the maintenance of the language and culture of the Nyikina people whose traditional land includes the lower reaches of the Fitzroy River. (Majala is a medicinal plant that grows by the mardoowarra (Fitzroy River). We are in the process of standardising our spelling, so sometimes you might see more than one spelling for the same word. This will settle down in time.)
The Nyikina Language & Culture Hub is a component of Madjulla Inc.
The Nyikina Language & Culture Hub works with elders to create resources to help keep our language and culture alive. We want to share our knowledge and world view with everyone who is willing to learn.
We have published two Beginning (Dreamtime) story books suitable for children and adults with interactive CDs that can be used on your p.c. We also have a personal story of one of our elders and a CD about bush plants that occur in our country.
Proceeds from our products go back into creating new resources. We are training our own people to do all the necessary tasks from gathering story details to running the office.
Please visit our website, send us an email or telephone our office to find out more about us and our products.
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