Clinical Pilates Studio 20....
At Studio 20 Clinical, we work with people who have issues with movement and pain, as well as those wishing to improve their general well-being and fitness.
We have a team of Clinical Pilates Physiotherapists who have the detailed knowledge and skill required to safely design a program for people of all ages, to keep them moving through life.
Current scientific research shows us that targeted individualised exercise programs designed and supervised by a Physiotherapist are an effective way to treat a number of conditions.
We take into account any existing musculoskeletal issues and tailor the program to suit the person. The emphasis is on muscle control rather than strength with the use of spring-loaded equipment to provide appropriate resistance.
Who is it for....?
Clinical Pilates benefits people of all ages with movement disorders or injuries and can help with improving general health and fitness. Clinical Pilates will get results for back, neck and spinal pain, sports injuries management, improving posture, trunk and core stability, muscle and joint problems, injury prevention, arthritis, balance, and pelvic floor rehabilitation.
Clinical Pilates Exercise Programs are designed for:
-Spine & Core Stability
-Back and neck pain
-Posture, flexibility & body toning
-Enhanced Sports Performance
-Movement, Strength & Balance
-Mums and Pregnant women
-Bone Health
-Improving return to work outcomes
Research Based
The techniques used by our physiotherapists trained in Clinical Pilates are based on sound research and an increasing body of scientific evidence.
What does it involve?
? One-on-One Consultations
? Supervised Group Sessions
? Independent sessions and packages
Your physiotherapist will fine tune and progress your Clinical Pilates program to suit your personal needs. A home program will also be developed.
Rebates for treatment are available under private health insurance schemes
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