"Youngies Prestige Plumbing and Roofing, PTY LTD" provides goods and services to the domestic and residential sector where Roofing, Plumbing and Gas installations are our specialty. Youngies offer professional advice and follow up service that exceeds the minimum industry standards. The family business is structured around a private company where its assets and associated business dealings are audited in accordance with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission guidelines. Work is carried out by the owners and selected trades persons where supervision, and quality assurance is paramount, in addition providing our client base with the product and service to meet their needs.
Youngies Prestige Plumbing and Roofing is a small to medium business operating out of a small residential property in Riverheads.
The company?s short-term objective is to provide a service that clients can rely on over the long term. This niche market will be the driving force behind a product which will see Youngies Prestige Plumbing and Roofing's name as the trend setter, providing Roofing, Plumbing and Gas Installations to a standard of excellence within the Wide Bay, and Sunshine Coast Regions with the motivation to expand elsewhere!
Our success will benefit this small family business with the view of providing two permanent trade positions with the chance of hiring a full time office assistant.
Companys Motto! ''Prestige Service, at Prestige Prices''
'Fully' Qualified.
QBCC License No. 130589 Plumbing License No. 51983
ACN. 602 092 900 ABN. 74 602 092 900
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