Now running She Births weekend courses - the only childbirth preparation course which has been studied & scientifically proven to reduce the duration & pain of labour & improve both mother & baby outcomes.
She Births® is a holistic antenatal course combining active birth methods with calm birthing techniques & a full toolkit of resources including acupressure, massage, yogic breathing, rebozo, spiralling & more.
Our latest Post Birth Survey 2015 results show that 97.6% of women said that She Births® gave them the knowledge to create a beautiful birth no matter what unfolded
Also offering both birth & postnatal Doula services. As your Doula I will work with you & your partner to understand your wishes for birth & I will act as your advocate, supporting & empowering you. I will create a safe space for you & your partner to work together with Baby, at your pace, to achieve your best version of birth, & I will hold that space so that you may bond & fall in love together following the birth. If you don't have a partner to support you during your birth I will help to provide the additional emotional support & nurturing all women need at this time.
Overall, women who receive continuous support from a Doula are more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births & less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth, vacuum or forceps-assisted births, & C-sections. In addition, their labors are shorter & their babies are less likely to have low Apgar scores at birth.
Baby Massage classes run regularly & we can arrange private infant massage instruction in your own home.
Baby Massage creates a beautiful time of intimacy & connection between Baby and Parent where the focus is purely on relaxation. Baby Massage has a range of benefits for both Parents and Baby's.
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