At Booralie Early Learning Centre we aim to provide quality child care that is as supportive as your child would receive at home.
We are proud to offer your child the best in quality care and learning in a great centre run by experienced operators and staffed with talented and qualified child care professionals.
We have full educational programs for children from birth to six years of age. They are based on our philosophy that children learn best through play.
Our centre offers the following benefits:
* a six week menu with hot food provided, including baby food (but parents are asked to bring their own baby formula),
* nappies and wipes for children who require them,
* large outdoor spaces with a variety of play equipment and a veggie patch
* dedicated parent portal in our website
* weekly newsletters about your childâ??s activities
* even a free coffee for parents each morning! `
Book now for a tour of our wonderful centre!
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