Tameera's an intuitive astrologer, numerologist and Feng Shui practitioner. For over 20 years she's helped people with life direction, compatibility, relationships, home energies, baby names and name changes.
Tameera works with the ancient sciences of astrology and Pythagorean numerology to help you understand yourself and loved ones on a deeper soul level by accessing your Akashic pre-birth records. (Akashic or akasha is Sanskrit for sky, space, luminous or aether).
You're born with a unique blueprint. Before coming to earth you decided your date of birth and even your name. Life is sacred geometry, numbers and planetary vibrations; we choose the vibrations needed for our growth and evolution.
By looking into your name and date of birth Tameera can give you clear insight to your relationships, family, home, career, how to gain the most from each year, when you'll have a lucky period or how to move through a more challenging cycle. She shares how your world is unfolding with confirmation from the past.
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