Herbal Follicular Activation (HFA) is a whole body approach to treating hair loss, depending on your personal needs.
This method can address local hair follicle dysfunction (blood flow restriction or inflammation), but can also addresses other factors that affect hair loss. This can include diet, sleep, digestion, vital organ function, and can include areas often overlooked, such as stress levels and lifestyle. HFA is a non-toxic, non-invasive method that requires no injections, no surgery and no pain.
With such a high success rate and no major side effects, this treatment can help reduce excessive hair loss, reverse miniaturisation (thinning/shrinking) of the hair follicle, thicken existing hair, and regrow new hair naturally. Our treatments can include In-Clinic programs, Home-Use programs, or a combination of both depending on your specific requirements.
Start by having a detailed clinical assessment with our qualified Trichologist. Our highly experienced specialist will determine the right treatment for your particular case.
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