At Glenroy Phone, Data, Internet Cabling & ADSL Central Filter Installations you will find that we are a local Telecommunications business with a customer oriented approach that specializes in & provides an efficient, professional & friendly tailored service for the (supply, installation, service & repair) of Telecommunication equipment & data cabling. Our services cater for both residential & commercial clients.
Our services include: The installation of telephone points for residential & commercial properties, service existing telephone cabling, pre-wire telephone cabling in new houses prior to plastering, swap telephone points to different incoming line, install ADSL filters & central splitters, install points for ADSL, service existing ADSL points, test speed & signal strength on ADSL modems, install cable broadband points, setup modems & routers, install data / cat5 / LAN / network points, dig trench & run telephone line from street to house (pit & pipe), install telephone points for PABX & Commander systems and program existing PABX & Commander Systems. All our technicians have the Austel/ACMA licence enabling them to install & service telecommunications cabling.
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