At Grace Simpkins Personal Tutors we offer tuition in our custom designed centres in Cannon Hill (4170) and Paddington (4064) as well as in-home and online for all suburbs in Brisbane, Sydney, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast.
We pride ourselves on delivering the very best tutoring available. We achieve this through our select number of personal tutors who excel in their chosen fields.
Tutoring is not just about the transference of knowledge but rather about developing a rapport with the student and finding the best possible method to develop their understanding. We strongly believe that students learn in different ways and that the classroom environment is not always sufficient for effective understanding. This leads to the see, listen and do form of education, or officially, combining auditory, visual and kinesthetic elements to the tutorial sessions. Therefore, it's important when starting tuition to not just have a smart tutor but also have a tutor you can communicate with.
We realise students want someone with the personality and skills of a freelance tutor with the reliability of a company. So that's what we provide - 'Personal' not 'Private' tutors!
Our clients use tutoring for both consolidation of achievements and to improve marks. You can feel confident knowing our tutors are experienced and friendly, and you can view their profiles for suitability on our website before even contacting us.
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