We also offer alternative/adjunct therapy such as Acupuncture, performed by our veterinarian Dr Amanda Ling. All pets sleep on specially designed thick synthetic wool blankets called dry-bed. Beds are changed daily or more often if required. The hospital has heating and cooling and has a monitored alarm system to ensure the safety of your pets during the night. We stock a large range of Eukanuba dog and cat food including the prescription diets and smaller range of Hill foods. We are happy to order in a particular food for you or product that we do not normally stock.
We offer a full range of medical and surgical services, our surgical services include:
- Entropian Surgery
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) repair
- Medially Luxating Patella (MLP) repair
- Orthopaedic Fractures
- Skin, Abdominal and Thoracic Cancer
For further details about South Eastern Animal Hospital, please see details below.
Phone: (03) 9544-6979
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.southeasternvet.com.au/
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