Building Designers
Barnes & Matina
Altona Meadows
VIC, 3028
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They are not architects. They advertise on their website that they are architects, but in fact they are NOT registered. I discovered this when making inquires for my home renovation. Even when I contacted them and specifically stated I wanted an architect they didn't clarify they were not. Very dishonest behavior.
Hi Andrew,
We were disappointed to read your review, as it doesn’t reflect the transparency we strive to provide. Our director David Barnes is proudly a VBA-registered building designer, and this is clearly stated on our website. We deliver full architectural services for residential projects and strive to listen deeply to our clients to bring thier visions into reality.
Our team is experienced, honest, and committed to ethical, client-focused service. We work hard to ensure clients fully understand our qualifications and approach.
Thank you for the feedback, and for future readers, please feel free to contact us directly with any questions about our services or qualifications.
Further to David’s response that they “deliver full architectural services for residential projects”, this is illegal. When researching for an architect I checked with the Registration Board and received the following response…
“I can confirm that David Barnes is not a registered architect in Victoria… this would not enable him to offer architectural services or describe his business as an architectural practice”
Either David is aware of this on and intentionally being deceptive to attract customers or completely ignorant of the law and his responsibilities. In both circumstance this this is not a company I would want in charge of my most expensive asset.
All over their website they describe themselves as a ‘architecture Firm’ and ‘architectural design specialists’. Even their brochure that was emailed to me stated ‘Welcome to Architectural Excellence’. it’s completely dishonest to represent themselves that way.