Maharishi School
Dundee St
Reservoir, VIC, 3073
Being a Maharishi school student from prep till grade 6, I gained a lot of experiences. Experiences that have influenced me in many ways and contributed to the person I am today. The most major of those experiences, being the experience and daily practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM), which has improved my quality of life and quality of mind unimaginably. This technique and the daily practice alone is enough to want to send your child to Maharishi School. If you are unsure why I emphasise the importance of TM and its affect on me, then I highly recommend researching all the scientifically proven studies done that prove its ability to improve focus, memory and IQ, reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as increase happiness, contentment and confidence. more
On behalf of the school, I would like to extend our gratitude to you for taking the time to reflect on your positive experience at Maharishi School. Your descrition of the benefits it has brought to you in the long-term is indeed a celebration of what the philosophy of this school aims to achieve with the young people in its care.
My eldest child has been attending this school for 3 years now and it has exceeded my expectations in every way. My daughters exceptional academic achievements,her confidence and her relaxed happy personality is a real credit to the excellence of the carriculum and the staff who administer it. I cannot recommend this school highly enough!